Sunday, June 10, 2012


This is, I suppose, the mandatory hello-and-welcome-to-my-blog post.  I know that I'm not going into this with an audience, and I very well might not gain any readers.  But this blog is just for fun, a little bit so I can remember what I've read, but mostly so I remember that reading is fun.  In all honesty, being an English major has kind of ruined reading for me.  I used to read whatever I wanted just for fun.  But now, I feel like I should only read books that are on the New York Times bestseller list or something.  Which, of course, isn't to say that the books on that list aren't enjoyable or good reads, but I want to go back to the summer before 9th grade where I read close to a book a day and I read whatever looked good.  I judged books by their covers and I fully immersed myself in the pages.  I want to go back to that time where reading was just fun.  Where I didn't think about motifs or authorial intent.  But where I connected with characters and cried when things didn't go as they planned.  Where I got mad at books that ended too soon or that I didn't agree with a character's actions.  But that is what good books do.  They engage their readers.

Yes, I'm an English major at a well-known University.  I can write essays on symbolism, motifs, imagery, and whatever other literary terms you want.  But that isn't what this blog is for.  This is me going back to the summer of 2005 and reading for the hell of it.

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